Coaching + Drawing =

The exploration of the connection between creative practices such as learning to draw and depth (neuropsychoanalytic) coaching for ADHD involves several interrelated concepts:

  1. Enhancing Focus and Mindfulness: Drawing, as a focused and mindful activity, can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD, helping them to improve their attention span. The therapeutic potential of art activities in enhancing concentration is supported by research in the field of art therapy (Malchiodi, C. A. (2012). “Handbook of Art Therapy”).
  2. Neuroplasticity and Skill Development: Engaging in new, skill-based activities like drawing can stimulate the brain’s neuroplasticity. This aspect is crucial for individuals with ADHD, aiding in the development of attention and executive functioning skills. Zabelina and Robinson (2010) in their study, “Creativity as flexible cognitive control,” discuss the role of creative tasks in enhancing cognitive flexibility, which is pertinent for ADHD management.
  3. Emotional Expression and Regulation: Neuropsychoanalytic coaching often focuses on the emotional dimensions of ADHD. Drawing can provide a non-verbal outlet for emotions, aiding in emotional regulation. Rubin (2016), in “Artful Therapy,” discusses the value of art in expressing and processing emotions, which can be especially beneficial for ADHD individuals.
  4. Psychoanalytic Insights: In neuropsychoanalysis, the symbolic and unconscious elements of activities such as drawing are considered. This approach can help uncover underlying emotional conflicts in individuals with ADHD, offering deeper psychological insights. Knafo and Feiner (2006) explore this in “Unconscious Fantasies and the Relational World.”
  5. Cognitive Flexibility: Learning to draw can enhance cognitive flexibility, which is often a challenge for those with ADHD. Scott, Kaufman, and Singer (2014) in “The Psychology of Creative Writing” highlight the role of creative activities in promoting cognitive flexibility.
  6. Behavioral and Self-Regulation Strategies: Structured creative activities like drawing can teach valuable self-regulation strategies. This aspect is crucial in managing ADHD symptoms and is discussed in Barkley, R. A. (2015) “Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment.”

In summary, integrating creative practices like drawing into neuropsychoanalytic coaching for ADHD addresses cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of the disorder. Grounding these approaches in current research, as suggested by Kivunja, ensures their effectiveness and relevance. Future studies might delve further into the specific impacts of creative practices on neuropsychological functioning in ADHD, contributing to the advancement of neuropsychoanalytic interventions.